Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'll let you go, I'll set you free

So this is hard to write but I've got to release some stuff from my head.

Letting Go

As a human, as a female, as a teenage girl, the act of letting go is extremely difficult. I am approaching my senior year in high school and this upcoming year is going to be one of letting go, I do not know how I am going to do it.

I will have to let go of home. Though I live in this tiny little town, I adore it; it is so cute and small-town but I like that about it, I am going to miss it. Along with the town I will have to let go of some people. A few of these people I will absolutely not mind letting go of, in fact, I have been trying to let go of them for years, others, however the process of letting go will be a hard one. Even so, there are some that I will not be able to let go of and these are the ones who will remain in my life forever.

There are some people that I have yet been able to release from my life, some of which I need to desperately, but cannot. I cannot find it in me to let go of them and it hurts. But I will leave with this prayer:

"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next."
-Reinhold Niebuhr

Friday, March 12, 2010

A friend is...

It's currently pouring down rain outside (my favorite weather) and I have a lot to do, which, of course, is the reason I'm writing, it's always a good way to procrastinate, and lately I seem to be all about procrastinating. Recently, I've been tossing some ideas around in this completely disorganized brain of mine about friendship. Unfortunately I have a speech to write, so we'll see how long/short this becomes.

What is a friend?

Looking at quotes about friendship, one word in particular seems to continue to pop up: understand. To a certain degree I side with that opinion, but a friend is so much more than someone who simply understands you. A friend, I believe, should be someone who remains by your side even when they do not understand. This is something I have had to learn recently, and trust me, it is not by any means an easy task.

Friends are human, they will make plenty of mistakes, and they will hurt you...even the ones that you have known since you were in diapers. But something we must realize is that we are human too, and we are going to make the same number, if not more mistakes and hurt our friends as well. One key to a lasting friendship is this: forgiveness. We must forgive our friends for the times that they hurt us as well as the mistakes that they make.

A fault of mine is that I am very judgemental. I like to critique the lives of those around me without looking at my own (see Matthew 7:1-5 by the way), and I tend to do this with my friends as well. A friend is someone who will look out for you; someone who will let you know when you are doing wrong, however after you have let them know about their wrongdoings, there is a point where you have got to step back and let them make their own mistakes. This is where being supportive comes in to play. After the stepping back, you have to be supportive. You must give support, encouragment, and love even when you do not understand. I believe this is what makes a good friend.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I will praise You in this storm

So, reading over the post from the other day, I realize that I need to proof before posting, there were a ton of grammatical errors. Sorry for that. Anyway, last night for my quiet time I read a story very familiar to most Christians: Jesus calming the storm. However, as I read it brought comfort to me, I really needed that last night. God has a way of bringing encouragement at just the right time. Have a happy Tuesday!

I will praise You in this storm

"One day Jesus said to His disciples, 'Let's go over to the other side of the lake.' So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, He fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.
The disciples went and woke Him, saying, 'Master, Master, we're going to drown!'
He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. 'Where is your faith?' He asked His disciples.
In fear and amazement they asked one another, 'Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.'
{Luke 8:22-25 NIV}

Though this was the telling of a true story, I believe that it also is in the Bible to serve as a parable just as so many other biblical stories are. At some point in life, every single person goes through a "storm" of some kind; in fact, there will be many of life's storms along the journey. We may question why we, as God's children must endure these storms; we may grumble, panic, or fear just as the disciples did, or we can choose to have faith...there is not room enough for both fear and faith, we must choose one.

If we choose fear, how much more difficult the storm will become! It will go from a summer thunderstorm to a horrible hurricane, and chances are that we will not stand firm when it is over. On the contrary, if we choose faith, along with it will come hope, and eventually joy. Where there is faith, there is no need for fear.

If faith is the road we take, there is one more umbrella we need to hold: praise. We must learn to not only endure the storm, but praise the One who will rescue us from it; the only One who is able to calm it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Happily Ever After...

One item on my bucket list is to write a book...preferably fiction, perhaps a good love story (after all I do love Jane Austen and Nicholas Sparks). On the drive home from my Grandparents' house tonight I though of some good stuff for it and was going to make yet another attmept to write it, however, now that I sit down to actually begin, my mind goes blank...of course that's how it works! So instead, I'll write on here...get a little bit off my mind.

Happily Ever After?

Prince charmings, knights in shining armor, or not-so-shining armor, happily ever afters...these are the things that have constantly been on my mind lately. Like most girls, I love a good love story. I've seen Dear John in theaters twice now, lost count of how many times I've read all the Twilight books, and fall in love everytime I watch a Disney Princess movie (Beauty & the Beast is my favorite, by the way). But sometimes, especially lately, I have been wondering whether or not we'll all have our own happily ever after. Though tragic tales of unending love capture our hearts- after all could hate Romeo & Juliet?- who truly wants a love story that ends? If we are all honest with ourselves, however, we all know that we have had doubts at some point in life whether or not Prince Charming even exists.

I imagine that if I were to ask Belle whether or not she thought she had a Prince Charming in the beginning, that her reply would be some grumbling about Gaston annoying persistance, and once she replaced her father captured position. Elizabeth Bennet must’ve had her fair share of doubts as well—after refusing Mr. Collins’ proposal and especially once the realization of her feelings toward Mr. Darcy came, after refusing his proposal as well! So, I believe it’s safe to say that, as girls, we have doubts about Prince Charming and simply about love in general. This is how I’ve felt lately.
However, the more doubts I continue to have, the more I realize that faith is the only thing possible to quench these doubts; to hide them and to override them. This faith is all that I can hold on to throughout my doubts, confusion, and life.

Friday, March 5, 2010

2010 so far

Hello again! So, at the start of this year, I was going to write everyday...haha. It appears that my giving up being a procrastinator for Lent hasn't really worked out as well as expected. But here we are, I cannot begin to believe that it's already March, but it appears that the third month has crept upon me once again. There is so much going on in my head right now that it would take hours to begin sorting through it all to find a topic to write on today, so I thought I'd just give a quick update on my life in 2010 so far.


My New Year's Resolutions: I made a pretty hefty list of things I wanted to accomplish this year, but it's safe to say that they're all still merely works in progress. One resolution was to love others. I have my days on this one; some days it goes great and I can be positive about everyone (or nearly everyone) I seem to encounter, on the other hand, some days I probably resemble Godzilla, which I'm not extremely proud of. This just goes to show that I am nowhere near perfection and that I must rely upon the Lord for my joy and strength...every single day.

The future: I have recently begun the stressful process of looking at colleges and taking those terrible tests known as the SAT and ACT. I've taken each test once so far, and though my scores are good, I still need to bring them each up a bit so I've got to take each at least one more time. I'm looking seriously at two colleges, and have already scheduled a visit to the University of South Carolina in a few weeks. I plan on majoring in dance, wherever I go, and perhaps a minor in either journalism or business. I have my entire life planned out, which is probably a bad thing, and have found that no matter what I have planned, chances are the God will overrule those plans so that His will may be done.

So much more is going on in my life, but as of right now it's 2:30pm and I have to finish school and get ready for the rest of the day. Hopefully, I stop procrastinating and start writing a little more...soon perhaps.