Tuesday, May 29, 2012

{God's Resting Place}

I just got back from one of my absolute favorite places in the world: Camp Marannook. It's a little Christian summer camp in the middle of nowhere Lafayette, Alabama. From the outside, it looks like your typical Christian camp- activities, cabins, trails, bible time, and campfires, but if you look a little closer, or if you've ever been, you'll see that Marannook is so much more than just another Christian summer camp, it truly is what its name means: God's resting place. God literally has His hands surrounding Marannook, the buildings, and people there. I have so many friendships that have lasted for years because they were based on a mutual belief and love for the God who created the entire earth and things living on it. So I just want to jot down some of what God has taught me over the past two weeks of me being there.

1. Refreshment.
College has been great. Classes have gone well, I love my major, and I have good grades. But as a dance major, I have to take at least 18-20 hours per semester to fit everything in within 4 years. Last semester (the semester of 20 hours), I confess to not having made enough time to spend with God, resulting in my relationship with Him suffering. Last semester you could say, I went through a "dry period" in my relationship with God. Being at Marannook for two weeks, separating myself from the rest of the world, and taking many distractions away for a while really helped me to see the reality of where my relationship with Him was and where it should be. He refreshed my spirit and renewed my desire for Him.

2. Reminders.
The Lord gave me gentle reminders of areas of my life that I had been lacking lately. Godly relationships was one of them. When I left school at the end of April (one month ago) I was so ready for some alone time, that I almost became a hermit once I got home. Don't misunderstand me, alone time is a good and very necessary thing, but so are godly relationships. God created us to be relational beings, to interact with other people just like us and to be "mutually encouraged by each other's faith," as it says in Romans 1:12. I had forgotten how important that really is, especially for my personality. I thrive off of relationships with others and it's super important for my growth in the Lord to be in contact and conversation with other Christians who will encourage me with their own faith.
Another aspect of my life that I had been lacking in lately was that of studying scripture. I so often forget that it's not enough to simply read God's word, but to also study it and make a effort to apply it to my daily life, actions, and thoughts. Having Bible Study with Mr. Charles (the owner of the camp) really reminded me of how important it is to really be IN the Word of God.

3. Rebuke.
Oh goodness, how the Lord rebuked and convicted me in so many ways. The main way is just showing me how terrible of a sinner I am. I am not as good as so often like to think that I am, and I am definitely no where near as good as I would need to be if salvation were not by faith and grace, but by works instead. I am a wretched sinner who desperately needs the forgiveness of God, yet does not deserve a moment of His time, much less the love of He who created me. Another aspect if that of judgment. I don't think I have ever admitted this to anyone, but I am a huge judger (although, I'm not sure that "judger" is even a word, I'm pretty sure it would just be judge). I do it unintentionally when I meet, or even see someone. I judge them. I could blame it on the human nature within me, but that's just an excuse to not live as God has called me to live, and He has called me to not judge others, especially His children. I'm not saying you have to become every person's best friend, but if you take the time and effort to get to know a person without judgment, you can really see them for who God created them to be, and you can see their struggles to see how you're not alone in anything.

I'm looking forward to the rest of my summer full of working, dancing, and visiting friends to see what else God has in store to teach and show me about Himself.

"I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called." [Ephesians 4:1, ESV]