Tuesday, November 27, 2012

{Well Hey There, Finals!}

So this week starts all of my dance finals, and next week I have all of my academic finals. This semester has been a tough one, but eleven more days and I'll have defeated it! Here's how I'm feeling right about now though...

Studying...Ain't Nobody Got Time For That
This is what I have been trying to explain to everyone!
Pinned Image
Me all the time
haha I never thought of it this way...
Motivation for finals week
Finals Week Motivation
Oh finals week
Perfect for Finals week!
Yep...here we go!

Friday, November 9, 2012

{Tis the Season of Thanksgiving}

Looking around, I see Christmas trees up in the Student Center, Christmas items for sale at retail stores all around, and even people already listening to Christmas music. However, I think people so often forget about the holiday that comes merely a month before Christmas-- Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for, and yet, people zoom ahead to Christmas where all the want is the stuff. So I'm going to take each day in November, until Thanksgiving, and reflect upon something I'm thankful for. Since it's already the 9th, I'll do 9 things today and catch up on the days I miss along the way.

Day #1: Thankful for life. John 10:10 says that Jesus came to give us abundant life. Through the salvation of Christ I have life and I have joy.

Day #2: Thankful for my family. I'm at the point in the semester that i really miss them. I haven't seen any of my family since August. Next weekend, my parents and my sister are coming to Mississippi to come see my dance concert and then three-ish days later I get to go home for the week of Thanksgiving and spend time with them.

Day #3: Thankful for Andrew. He's such a sweet boyfriend. He's been such a blessing for these last 14 months we've been dating. God uses him every single day to teach me more about love, and myself, and Christ. I look forward to the months and years to come with him.

Day # 4: Thankful for strength. But not my own strength, my own strength is nothing, it's weakness. God's strength is the strength I'm so thankful for, because it's what gets me through the day, and it's what will get me through the week. I'm thankful that I don't have to rely on my own puny strength, because that would surely lead to failure.

Day #5: Thankful for coffee. These concert weeks are ridiculously hectic and my body is struggling from exhaustion. Coffee is what wakes me up in the morning and keeps me (barely) awake through the afternoon. It's also what provides for some good conversation between me and my roommate late at night :)

Day #6: Thankful for my friends. The people here at school that God has blessed me with are just simply incredible. I have a fantastic RA that is always there for me to talk to, or to llama face, or to fall asleep on her lap. My roommate is wonderful, and it's been such a blessing to have her this year. My other friends too, are just simply wonderful and so encouraging all the time...and they also have really cute clothes to steal :)

Day #7: Thankful for the dance department. The Belhaven dance department is wonderful. Not only in their dance training, although that is great too, but in the people and the way they operate. I'm also thankful for the two casts that I've been able to be a part of this semester. Mitchell's cast is so much like a family, and I've loved getting to know so many people on new levels. Getting to work so hard through that piece has been a challenge, but an exciting one and the people have been so encouraging and supportive to one another throughout the entire process, I wouldn't want to be out on stage with anyone else doing that piece. Also, the beautiful Serenade girls. This piece has had so many difficulties to get to this point, but they've helped each of us grow and find out that we are each individually beautiful, women of God, and that together we can create beauty.

Day #8: Thankful for sleep. I have really learned to appreciate sleeping this semester. I have 8am classes everyday, so Saturdays are literally the best thing ever. I'm thankful for rest and the times that I don't have enough are the times that make me appreciate it even more when I do get it.

Day #9: Today, I am thankful for the ability to dance. Tonight is the opening night of my school's fall dance concert, and I'm so thankful for the pieces I'm in this semester and the affects they have had on me and my growth as a dancer, as a person, and as a child of God.