Friday, June 8, 2012


Today is one of those days that has its own simple beauty to it. The sun is shining, I'm already on my second cup of coffee, and there is so much to simply be thankful for. Today has gotten me thinking of how blessed I truly am. It also has made me think of the blessings I am most thankful for, so I thought I'd make a list:

I think about the day that God created the sun. What a beautiful, magnificent burst of light and joy it must have been to have the very first sunshine ever created. I think of the mornings when the sunrise was all I needed to see to be happy, the mornings that the sunrise added to my pre-existing joy. I also think of the sunsets that have painted the sky as a reminder of God's beauty.

Whoever discovered the coffee bean, I love you. I'm so thankful that God decided to create a bean full of so much potential and deliciousness.

I don't know what I would do without my family. I love them so much. I know that they are always there for me if I do ever decide to talk about anything (which is rare, I'm more of a listener). I know they will always support me in the good times and encourage me in the difficult ones. My dad has worked so hard for years to provide financially for my family, and I know that he loves me more than anything, and that I can always ask him for help no matter the situation. My mom loves me more than I will ever know, although, I seem to forget that so often. She provides so much for that I don't even realize. My sister is always up for a good time. She makes me laugh and she's always good for a sleepover, or a back massage (which means me giving her a back massage). My brother has taught me so much, not always in the most convenient way, but I have learned a lot of what to do and what not to do through him. But mostly I know that despite everything, he loves me, and he really cares for me a lot. I'm so thankful for the crazy memories they've given, especially at holidays, but more than anything I'll love them forever.

I'm so thankful for my best friends. I'm thankful for the old and new memories with my three best friends from birth, but also for my two closest girl friends at school. For the ridiculous sleepovers, late night deep discussions about boys, and coffee dates complete with strange coffee shop music. I know that I can trust these girls with my whole heart if I need to, and they are always good for a laugh, of course. But most of all they've been an encouragement to me in my struggles, and supports for me in my joys. "A friend loves at all times" (Proverbs 17:17)

Haley, Grace, and Ashlee, whom I've known since I was born, basically.

Julianna and Sarah, my two closest girl friends at school.

{My Best-est Friend}
Perhaps what I'm most thankful for at the moment is the boy who has been such a huge blessing since I met him 10 months ago on that first day at college. God has used him in so many ways, it's really hard to think about all the things I've learned through my relationship with him. The main thing perhaps, is learning what it really means to love another person, to put yourself aside, and think about someone else's happiness before your own. To have someone you always need to be there for and to encourage, but also to always have that other person to be there for you and to encourage you. To have someone to spend your free time with and who will always be praying for you, even when you don't ask them to. But I've also learned just how hard it is to do all of those things. But I've been so blessed by the huge amount of joy it gives in the times when you both succeed at being there for the other.

"From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another."
[John 1:16, NIV]

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